Promotional leaflet on the specialization of Agricultural Environmental Science
The international project 159173-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR ‘EU Based Course in of Foodstuff Expertise & Quality Control’, aimed at improvement of the environmental standards of agricultural production and provision of foodstuff quality has been implemented atOdessa State Environmental University. Within the project a Master course for the specialization of Agricultural Environmental Sciencewas developed. A unique scientific and methodical provision for training master students, which covers 13 special disciplines, has been elaborated and introduced, with due regard to the European experience.
Among them, the methodical provision for the following 8 disciplines has been elaborated for the first time ever:
- Довгострокові агрометеорологічні прогнози / Long-Term Agrometeorolgical Forecasts;
- Сучасні проблеми оцінки агрокліматичних ресурсів / Modern Aspects of Agroclimatic Resource Assessment;
- Оцінка впливу екстремальних атмосферних явищ на продуктивність рослин / Assessment of Extreme Weather Phenomena Impact on Plant Productivity;
- Моделювання розвитку хвороб та шкідників сільськогосподарських культур / Simulation of Crop Disease Development and Plant Pest Propagation;
- Моделювання гідрометеорологічного режиму рослинного покриву / Modelling of Hydrometeorological Regime of Vegetative Cover;
- Сучасні моделі продуктивності агрофітоценозів / ModernModelsof AgrophytocoenosisProductivity;
- Зміна клімату та біотехнології / Climate Change and Biotechnologies;
- Методи досліджень в агроекології / Methods of Testing and Analysis in Agroecology.
The methodical provision for the other 5 disciplines has been substantially modified and enhanced:
- Екологічні основи землеробства та сільськогосподарських агрокосистеми / Environmental Fundamentals of Agriculture and Agricultural Ecosystems;
- Біоіндикація і біотестування / Bioindication and Biotesting;
- Біологічні основи формування кількості та якості врожаю / Biological Fundamentals of Yield Rate and Quality;
- Екологічні аспекти овочівництва та виноградарства (на виробничих базах та НДІ) / Environmental Aspects of Vegetable Growing and Viticulture (at the Production Plants and Scientific-Research Institutions);
- Ресурсозбереження в аграрнопромисловому комплексі та органічне землеробство / Resource-Saving at Factory-Farm Complexes and Organic Farming.
Relevant textbooks, tutorials, practical courses and lecture summaries for those disciplines were elaborated and published. The copies of them were sent to the National TEMPUS Office (Kyiv) and presented at the Final Project meeting (Kharkiv, 27-28 November 2012) and at the Meeting with the monitoring mission of the National TEMPUS office (Kherson, 10 December 2013).
Starting from 2011, highly qualified specialists have been trained. They successfully implement international standards in the field of sustainable land management, agricultural production and meeting the foodstuff safety requirements.
It is on the basis of the achieved project results, and in cooperation with 159352-TEMPUS-FI-TEMPUS-JPHES and 511390-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-SK-TEMPUS-JPCR projects, a Сenter of Excellence in the Field of Agricultural Meteorology and Environmental Control was established at OSENU. It was granted international status by the Rector’s Order #214 of 5 September 2012 and is an interdepartmental subdivision in the structure of OSENU. The Center, with the Department of Agricultural Meteorology and Agrometeorological Forecasting and the Department of Applied Environmental Science as the basic subdivisions, systematically implements enhancement of professional qualification for the specialists from agricultural and nature protection public and non-governmental organizations for the training directions of ‘Meteorology’, ‘Agricultural Meteorology’ and ‘Applied Environmental Science’.
The use of state-of-the-art equipment, obtained in course of the project implementation, makes it possible to successfully conduct laboratory and practical classes on the following disciplines:
- Біологічні Основи Формування Кількості та Якості Врожаю / Biological Fundamentals of Yield Rate and Quality – 6 робіт;
- Екологічні основи землеробства та сільськогосподарських агроекосистеми / Environmental Fundamentals of Agriculture and Agricultural Ecosystems – 8 робіт;
- Біоіндикація і біотестування / Bioindication and Biotesting – 4 роботи.
The use of a computer class and the elaborated set of the specialized programs for ‘The Models of Agroecological Processes’ allows to conduct practical classes on the disciplines:
- Сучасні моделі продуктивності агрофітоцинозів / Modern Models of Agrophytocoenosis Productivity – 8 laboratory classes;
- Довгострокові агрометеорологічні прогнози / Long-Term Agrometeorolgical Forecasts – 6 laboratory classes
and to conduct Master students’ research work under the discipline:
- Методи досліджень в агроекології / Methods of Testing and Analysis in Agroecology.